Yukiko Iwatani
2022.10.21 ~ 11.7
天理市商店街の空き店舗及び住宅 旧青果店
Vacant stores and houses in the Tenri City
Former vegetable shop
Nara has long been and still is, a land of active production of medicines and their raw materials, with the Asuka period
(710-794) describing medicinal hunting in Nara. During this time, I have collected plants with the keyword 'medicine, those that are herbal medicines, and those that have been used as folk medicine.
Also, a single medicinal ingredient in a plant is produced and made into a pharmaceutical product (e.g. aspirin is from willow). These plants, which have provided us with medicinal benefits since the distant primitive times, have become the subject of this artwork. by Tomoki Hasegawa by Yukiko Iwatani