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「MIND TRAIL 奥大和 心の中の美術館 2022」

2022.9.17 ~ 11.13

奈良県 吉野町、天川村、曽爾村




Yoshino, Tenkawa and Soni in Nara Prefecture

This is an art festival where visitors can enjoy artworks and nature while trekking along a course of about 10 km in each of three areas.
I created 13 works of art pieces with plants I collected in Soni Village. I exhibited them in 6 pieces in the information Katte building and
7 pieces on the course, and in the places where I installed the artworks except for Katte, I made it possible to read a little episode of the place from the local people. After the Art Festival, the plants from some of the art pieces were scattered on the sites where they had been collected and returned to the soil.



 photo by Yukiko Iwatani  photo by Nishioka Kiyoshi


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