Yukiko Iwatani
2016.7.16 ~ 9.4
しかしなかなか食べて欲しい所を食べてはくれない。直接虫をつっつくと虫が潰れそうなので、虫の目の前でシャープペンシルの先をしゅっしゅっと横切らせる。すると虫は危険を感じ方向を変える。しゅっしゅっ、しゅっしゅっ。ひたすらそれを繰り返して3日間。やっと人為的な虫食いの葉ができあがる。しかし… できてみると思ったほど面白くない。美しくない。
Insect and Plant Exhibition
2016.7.16 - 9.4
Makino Botanical Garden (Kochi)
Let Iinsects Make Artworks
When I looked through the magnifying glass, I observed that larvae of Caliroa annulipes on the leaves of Tilia japonica had a length of 1 to 3 mm.
I pasted a square tape on the leaf, placed 10 larvae on one the leaf, and tried to have the insects eat around that tape. However, the insects did not readily eat around the tape as planned. As insects may be too delicate, I did not touch the insects directly. I moved the tip of the mechanical pencil in front of the insects. Then the insect sensed danger and changed it’s direction. I repeated this over and over again. Finally, an artificial worm-eaten artwork was finished. But ... unfortunately the artwork was not as good as I thought. It was not beautiful.
Then I made cubic artwork with a different leaf, put them side by side and made them shine with a light from below. When I saw the cube shining green from overhead, I saw the natural wormholes. The natural wormholes are more beautiful than the artwork that I forced.
シナノキ・ハグロナメクジハバチ |